Bibliography - Other United Nations Material

Caponera, D., Outline for the Preparation of a National Water Resources Law Inventory, UN Food and Agriculture Organization (1975)

Hodgson, Stephen, Modern Water Rights: Theory and Practice Development Law Service UNFAO (2006)

McCaffrey, Stephen C., Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses, New York 21 may 1997, United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law

Paisley, Richard K., FAO Training Manual for International Watercourses/River Basins including Law, Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Simulation Training Exercises (2007) (PDF 3.6MG)

Sevette, Legal Aspects of Hydro-Electric Development of Rivers and Lakes of Common Interest, U.N. Doc. E/ECE/136 (1952)

Zektser, Igor S. & Everett, Lorne G. (Eds), Groundwater Resources of the World and Their Use, IHP-VI, SERIES ON GROUNDWATER NO. 6 (2004)

Report of the United Nations Water Conference, Mar del Plata, U.N. Doc. E/CONF.70/29 (1977)

United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development, 6th Session (New York, 22 December and 20 April to 1 May 1998), Report on the Sixth Session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development. E/1998/2 -- E/CN.17/1998/20, Decision 6/1. Strategic approaches to freshwater management

United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and Department of Technical Co-operation for Development, Interregional Meeting on River and Lake Basin Development with Emphasis on the Africa Region, (Oct. 10-16, 1988)

United Nations Environmental Programme, Atlas of International Freshwater Agreements (2003)

United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Legislative Studies